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Percentage of births that received a face-to-face New Birth Visit (NBV) after 14 days by a health visitor (4221) Metric type

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This is the percentage of children who turned 30 days within the quarter who received a face-to-face New Birth Visit (NBV) 14 days after their birth and is calculated as: The number of children who turned 30 days within the quarter who received an NBV 14 days after their birth / the number of children who turned 30 days within the quarter * 100.

This is the number of children who turned 30 days within the quarter who received a face-to-face New Birth Visit (NBV) 14 days after their birth is defined as the number of children who turned 30 days within the quarter who also received an NBV 14 days after their birth.

The total number of infants who turned 30 days within the quarter is defined as all those infants within the provider area of responsibility who turn 30 days within the quarter. This is to make sure that most New Birth Visits (NBVs) even where they occur after the recommended 10-14 days are recorded. The table below shows the ranges of birth dates which should be included in each quarter.

Q1 (April to June) include 2nd March to 1st June, Q2 (July to September) include 2nd June to 1st September, Q3 (October to December) include 2nd September to 2nd December and Q4 (January to March) include 3rd December to 1st March.

NOTE: Count the number of children born, not the number of mothers.
11 Dec 2023
Data last updated
24 Jan 2024
Also known as
  • Percentage of births that received a face-to-face New Birth Visit (NBV) after 14 days by a health visitor (IND C3)
Short label
% received a face-to-face New Birth Visit (NBV) after 14 days
Output precision
a low value is good
Health Visitor Return
Health visitor service delivery
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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