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Smokers that have successfully quit at 4 weeks (CO validated) per 100,000 smokers (18488) Metric type

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Rate of successful quitters (CO validated) at 4-weeks per 100,000 smokers
This indicator is a guide to how effective local NHS Stop Smoking Services are at helping people quit smoking and how many people are stopping smoking as a result of the service in the area.

Successful quitters are those smokers who successfully quit at the four-week follow-up.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) validation measures the level of carbon monoxide in the bloodstream and provides an indication of the level of use of tobacco: it is a motivational tool for clients as well as validation of their smoking status. CO validation is attempted on all clients who self-report as having successfully quit at the 4-week follow-up, except for those who were followed up by telephone.

It is recognised that in certain cases some time may need to be spent with clients before they are ready to set a quit date. However only actual quit attempts are counted for national monitoring.

CO validated smoking quits provide an objective measure in addition to self-reported quits, and CO validation may also help incentivising clients to quit.
18 Mar 2024
Data last updated
18 Mar 2024
Short label
Smokers that have successfully quit at 4 weeks (CO validated)
Output precision
a high value is good
Rate per 100,000 Smokers
Smoking quitters
Local Tobacco Control Profiles
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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