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Population vaccination coverage - Flu (primary school aged children) (13666) Metric type

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Flu vaccine percentage uptake in primary school aged children from reception to year 6 age, who received the flu vaccination between 1st September to 31st January. It's offered every year to children, normally as a nasal spray, to help protect them against the influenza virus. This illness can lead to serious problems, such as bronchitis and pneumonia. Children can catch and spread flu easily. Vaccinating them also protects others who are vulnerable to flu, such as babies and older people.

The numerator is the total number of children in the respective eligible age cohort that have received at least one dose of influenza vaccine from 1 September in school, pharmacy, and general practice and the denominator is the total number of children eligible for influenza vaccination in the LA geography and children educated out of school in the LA geography, defined by child age at 1 September multiplied by 100.

Any figures under 5 are supressed due to possible disclosure, and are removed from the overall numerator if appropriate.
02 Sep 2021
Data last updated
29 Apr 2024
Also known as
  • PHOF D04d
  • D04d
  • D04d - Population vaccination coverage - Flu (primary school aged children)
  • D04d - Population vaccination coverage - Flu (primary school aged children)_Persons_4-11 yrs
Short label
Population vaccination coverage - Flu (primary school children)
Output precision
a high value is good
Influenza Immunisation Vaccine Uptake Monitoring Programme Public Health England (PHE)
Public Health Outcomes Framework
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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