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Population vaccination coverage - DTaP / IPV booster (5 years old) (13665) Metric type

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Children for whom the local authority is responsible who completed a booster course of diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio (DTaP/IPV) vaccine at any time by their fifth birthday as a percentage of all children whose fifth birthday falls within the time period. Small numbers less than 5 are suppressed.

Information on childhood immunisation coverage at ages one, two and five are collected through the UK COVER collection by PHE. These aggregated data are collected from CHISs, computerised systems storing clinical records supporting health promotion and prevention activities for children, including immunisation. In England, COVER data are collected for Upper Tier Local Authorities (LAs) using the COVER data collection form. Data are extracted directly from local population registers and data issues are generally related to under-estimation of coverage. There may be some over-estimation of denominators due to children who have moved away remaining on the area register which can lead to under-estimates of coverage. In some areas it is known that a small number of GPs do not submit vaccination data to the local CHISS also resulting in under-estimation of coverage. Using non-standardised data extraction methods could result in over-estimated coverage. Caution should be exercised when comparing coverage figures over time due to occasional data quality issues reported by some data suppliers. Apparent trends could reflect changes in the quality of data reported as well as real changes in vaccination coverage. While this issue will be more apparent at the local level it may also have an impact on national figures. Similarly, some caution should also be exercised when comparing coverage between different areas where data quality issues have been reported.
01 Sep 2021
Data last updated
29 Apr 2024
Also known as
  • PHOF D04a
  • D04a
  • D04a - Population vaccination coverage - DTaP/IPV booster (5 years)
  • D04a - Population vaccination coverage - DTaP/IPV booster (5 years)_Persons_5 yrs
Short label
Population vaccination coverage - DTaP / IPV booster (5 years)
Output precision
a high value is good
Cover of Vaccination Evaluated Rapidly (COVER) data collected by PHE (PHE). Available from NHS Digital
Public Health Outcomes Framework
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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