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Percentage of children who received a 2-2.5 year review who were at or above the expected level in the Ages and Stages Questionnaire-3 (ASQ-3) communication skills domain (13644) Metric type

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Percentage of children who received a 2-2½ year review who were at or above the expected level in the Ages and Stages Questionnaire-3 (ASQ-3) communication skills domain. All 2-2.5 year reviews which have a score within the domain, where the scores are at or above the domain- and questionnaire-specific threshold. These thresholds are used when assessing the child to establish whether development is as expected, or if further support is needed. Data are received from local authorities via an aggregate data collection which is quality assured locally before submission to PHE. It is understood that there are many local data quality issues, and variability within and between areas in how and where the questionnaires are administered and the data are collected and processed, as well as variation in interpretation of the requirements of PHE's interim data collection. PHE is addressing these issues as they arise, and in the longer term, many of these problems will be resolved when the information is drawn from NHS Digital's CSDS, a record-level source. Until then, these statistics should be interpreted with extreme caution.
03 Nov 2022
Data last updated
29 Apr 2024
Also known as
  • PHOF C08b
  • C08b
  • C08b - Child development: percentage of children achieving the expected level in communication skills at 2-2½ years
  • C08b - Child development: percentage of children achieving the expected level in communication skills at 2-2½ years_Persons_2-2.5 yrs
Short label
% of children achieving the expected level in communication skills at 2-2½ years
Output precision
a high value is good
PHE National Child and Maternal Health Intelligence Network
Public Health Outcomes Framework
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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