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Excess under 75 mortality rate in adults with serious mental illness (annual) (12154) Metric type

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The ratio (expressed as a percentage) of the observed number of deaths in adults in contact with secondary mental health services to the expected number of deaths in that population based on age-specific mortality rates in the general population of England. The indicator is calculated as an indirectly standardised ratio, comparing the observed number of deaths in those with serious mental illness with the number that would be expected if those people experienced the same age-specific death rates as the general English population. The numerator is divided by the denominator and then multiplied by 100.

For each local authority, the numerator is the observed count of deaths occurring amongst people with serious mental illness as defined on the MHMDS. People with serious mental illness are identified from the Mental Health Minimum Data Set (MHMDS) and must have been in contact with secondary mental health services in either the year they dies, or the two years previously. The MHMDS data are linked to the Primary Care Mortality Database to identify deaths amongst people with serious mental illness.

For each local authority, the denominator is the number of deaths expected to occur amongst people with serious mental illness as defined on the MHMDS. For each local authority, the England average mortality rates for each age group are applied to the local population from the MHMDS to obtain an expected number of deaths. This is the number of deaths that would be expected in the population with serious mental illness, if the death rates were exactly the same as in the general national population. The population of those with serious mental illness is obtained from the Mental Health Minimum Data Set (MHMDS) and contains those who were in contact with secondary mental health services in either the year in question, or the two years previously.

No data for the City of London, the Isle of Wight and the Isles of Scilly are reported due to small numbers.

Note that comparisons between any two indirectly standardised ratios standardised to a (third) different population are not reliable. As a result, no comparisons have been made between local authority values and the England and regional values for this indicator.
23 Feb 2022
Data last updated
13 Nov 2023
Also known as
  • PHOF 4.09i
  • 4.09i
  • 4.09i - Excess under 75 mortality rate in adults with serious mental illness
  • 4.09i - Excess under 75 mortality rate in adults with serious mental illness_Persons_18-74 yrs
  • E09b - Excess under 75 mortality rate in adults with severe mental illness (SMI)
Short label
Excess under 75 mortality rate in adults with serious mental illness (%) (annual)
Output precision
a low value is good
NHS Digital, NHS outcomes framework
Public Health Outcomes Framework
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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