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Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease considered preventable per 100,000 population aged under 75 (2016 definition)(female) (12144) Metric type

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Age-standardised rate of mortality that is considered preventable from liver disease in persons less than 75 years per 100,000 population.

Numerator data for each age band are divided by the denominator population data for each age band respectively to give age specific death rates for the area. These age specific rates are multiplied by the standard population for each age group respectively and aggregated across all the age groups to give the age adjusted count of deaths for the area. This age adjusted count of deaths is divided by the total standard population for the whole age range included in the indicator, and multiplied by 100,000 to give the age standardised mortality rate for the area.

Number of deaths that are considered preventable from liver disease (classified by underlying cause of death recorded as ICD codes B17.1, B18.2, C22, K70, K73-K74 (excluding K74.3-K74.5)) registered in the respective calendar years, in people aged under 75, aggregated into quinary age bands (0-4, 5-9, 70-74).

Where the observed total number of deaths is less than 10, the rates have been suppressed as there are too few deaths to calculate directly standardised rates reliably. The cut-off has been reduced from 25, following research commissioned by PHE and in preparation for publication which shows DSRs and their confidence intervals are robust whenever the count is at least 10.
04 Aug 2021
Data last updated
13 Nov 2023
Also known as
  • 4.06ii
  • 4.06ii - Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease considered preventable
  • PHOF 4.06ii
  • E06b - Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease considered preventable (2016 definition)_Female_<75 yrs
  • E06b
Short label
Under 75 mortality rate from liver disease considered preventable (per 100,000 <75) (2016 definition)- female
Output precision
a low value is good
per 100,000 people aged under 75
PHE based on ONS Annual Mortality Extracts
Public Health Outcomes Framework
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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