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Population vaccination coverage - Shingles vaccination coverage (70 years old) (12115) Metric type

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All people aged 70 years (registered with a GP in each LA) who have received a dose of shingles vaccine within each reporting area (local authority - LA) as a percentage of all people aged 70 years within each area.

The proportion of participating practices is currently around 95% of all GP practices in England. Therefore, number of registered patients aged 70 years in each LA is based on participating practices only. Where less than 100% of practices in an LA participate the number of registered patients will not represent the true total in that LA and therefore vaccine coverage may not be truly representative of that LA.

Eligibility criteria for the shingles vaccination were revised so that adults become eligible for the routine programme on their 70th birthday and remain eligible until their 80th birthday. Consequently, interpreting coverage in 2017/18 is not directly comparable to previous years.
17 Feb 2021
Data last updated
13 Nov 2023
Also known as
  • PHOF 3.03xvii
  • 3.03xvii
  • 3.03xvii - Population vaccination coverage - Shingles vaccination coverage (70 years old)
  • D06c - Population vaccination coverage - Shingles vaccination coverage (70 years old)_Persons_70
  • D06c
Short label
Population vaccination coverage - Shingles vaccination coverage (70 years old)
Output precision
a high value is good
Per cent
Immunisation and Countermeasures
Public Health Outcomes Framework
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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