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Proportion of eligible babies with a Newborn Blood Spot Screening result (12086) Metric type

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The proportion of babies registered within the clinical commissioning group (CCG) both at birth and on the last day of the reporting period who are eligible for newborn blood spot (NBS) screening and have a conclusive result recorded on the child health information system (CHIS) at less than or equal to 17 days of age.

Tested babies (numerator) is the total number of eligible babies that have a conclusive result for phenylketonuria (PKU) recorded on the Child Health Information Services (CHIS) at less than or equal to 17 days of age (day of birth is day 0).

Eligible babies (denominator) is the total number of babies born within the reporting period, excluding any baby who died before the age of 8 days.

For this indicator, the cohort includes only babies for whom the CCG was responsible at birth and on the last day of the reporting period. Responsible CCG refers to all babies that are registered with a GP within the CCG. The data should be grouped and reported per CCG responsible population or UK equivalent using the baby's, or if not available, mother's GP practice code. If neither the baby nor mother's GP is known, responsibility is determined by place of residence. A conclusive result for PKU is one of the following newborn screening status codes:, 04 condition screened for not suspected, 07 condition screened for not suspected other disorders follow up, 08 condition screened for suspected Denominator counts for local authorities are estimated from counts for CCGs. For this indicator, a conclusive result for PKU will serve as a proxy indicator for each of the conditions screened for. However, a clinical response should include all the other tests. Please note that cystic fibrosis can only be screened for up to 8 weeks of age.

Counts for local authorities are estimated from counts for CCGs. England figures have been aggregated from local authority data and exclude women resident in Wales or of unknown local authority
04 Aug 2021
Data last updated
29 Apr 2024
Also known as
  • PHOF 2.20xi
  • 2.20xi
  • 2.20xi - Newborn Blood Spot Screening - Coverage
  • C24l - Newborn Blood Spot Screening - Coverage_Persons_<1 yr
  • C24l
Short label
Newborn Blood Spot Screening - Coverage (%)
Output precision
a high value is good
NHS Screening Programmes
Public Health Outcomes Framework
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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