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Rate of complaints about noise per 1,000 population (12028) Metric type

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Number of complaints about noise per thousand population (according to statistics collected by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH)). Crude rates have been calculated using the number of complaints for each LA divided by the LA population based on the relevant reference year mid year population estimates and multiplied by a factor of 1,000.

Data presented are a combination of actual counts and modelled data. (The data collected by CIEH are currently the result of voluntary submissions from LAs therefore not all LA data presented are based on the figures supplied by the LA and some are a modelled estimate). Confidence intervals for modelled estimates have been calculated but may be an underestimate of the actual value. Not all complaints about noise are made to the LA so this may be an undercount of the actual number of complaints being made in an area about noise. Some complaints are made directly to the perceived source of the noise e.g. Network Rail, Airports and Highways Authorities. The number of complaints about noise is not a reliable measure of the effect of noise as it will depend upon individuals whether or not to complain. It is generally felt that not all who might complaint do so. However, this indicator does give an indication of how many people feel sufficiently affected by noise to cause them to complain to their LA about it.
04 Aug 2021
Data last updated
29 Apr 2024
Also known as
  • PHOF 1.14i
  • 1.14i
  • 1.14i - The rate of complaints about noise
  • B14a - The rate of complaints about noise_Persons_All ages
  • B14a
Short label
Noise complaints per 1,000 population
Output precision
a low value is good
per 1,000 people
CIEH and PHE, Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards.
Public Health Outcomes Framework
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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