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Sickness absence - the percentage of employees who had at least one day off in the previous week (12017) Metric type

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Percent of employees who had at least one day off due to sickness absence in the previous working week. This is calculated by PHE based on data provided by ONS Labour Force Survey and is the numerator divided by the denominator and multiplied by 100. Where the numerator is the weighted number of employees who had at least one day off in the previous week and the denominator is the weighted number of employees (aged 16+) who worked at least one day in the previous week.
04 Aug 2021
Data last updated
29 Apr 2024
Also known as
  • PHOF 1.09i
  • 1.09i
  • 1.09i - Sickness absence - the percentage of employees who had at least one day off in the previous week
  • B09a - Sickness absence - the percentage of employees who had at least one day off in the previous week_Persons_16+ yrs
  • B09a
Short label
% of employees who had at least one day off in the previous week
Output precision
a low value is good
% employees aged 16+
Calculated by PHE using ONS Labour Force Survey data
Public Health Outcomes Framework
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
applies to
applies to
has subjects
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