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People in prison who have a mental illness or a significant mental illness (12006) Metric type

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The annual average percentage of all people in prison aged 18 or over who have a mental illness or a significant mental illness. The indicator is calculated as the numerator is divided by the denominator and multiplied by 100, where the numerator is the sum of the monthly number of people in prison aged 18 or over with a Quality Outcomes Framework (QOF) mental health read code and the denominator is the sum of the monthly number of people aged 18 or over in prison.

This indicator is available at an England level only. Financial year 2014-15, saw the introduction of a new dataset in Health & Justice called, The Health & Justice Indicators of Performance (HJIPs). The dataset collects information on the delivery and outcome requirements, NHS England are required to commission as part of their organisational responsibilities. Due to historic data quality issues known for some HJIP indicators, Qtr1 2016/17 will be used for baseline purposes, but data is available for this PHOF indicator from 2015/16.
04 Aug 2021
Data last updated
29 Apr 2024
Also known as
  • PHOF 1.07
  • 1.07
  • 1.07 - People in prison who have a mental illness or a significant mental illness
  • B07 - People in prison who have a mental illness or a significant mental illness_Persons_18+ yrs
  • B07
Short label
People in prison who have a mental illness or a significant mental illness
Output precision
a low value is good
% of prison population 18+
Health and Justice Indicators of Performance, NHS England
Public Health Outcomes Framework
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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