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Outturn weekly expenditure £ per child - Adoption (3437) Metric type

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This includes adoption allowances for paid and other staff, overhead costs associated with adoption (including the costs of social workers seeking new / supporting existing adoptive parents) and costs related to adoption support (e.g. cost of therapeutic services).

NOTE: Adoption support services are defined as: Financial support; Services to enable groups of adoptive children, adoptive and natural parents or former guardians of an adoptive child to discuss matters relating to adoption; Assistance, including mediation services, in relation to contact between an adoptive child and a natural parent, natural sibling, former guardian or a related person; Therapeutic services for the adoptive child; Assistance to ensure the relation between an adopted child and his or her adoptive parents continue, (includes training for adoptive parents to meet any special needs of the child); Respite care; Assistance before and after the adoption order, where the placement/arrangement is in danger of disrupting; Counselling, advice and information.

Calculation: (x/y)/365 * 7 where

x = Total funding on Adoption Services recorded on either outturn (OT) or S251 financial statement

y = Total number of children freed for adoption or with a placement order as at 31 March (figures under 6 are subject to suppression)

Result is rounded to nearest £5.
21 Dec 2022
Data last updated
16 Feb 2024
Short label
Outturn weekly expenditure £ per child - Adoption
Output precision
not applicable
GBP per week per child
Children and young people spend (weekly expenditure)
LAIT: Children's Service Finance
Department for Education
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