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Fostering and adoption Function

Adoption (160) Service

The local authority attempts to find adoptive homes for children who are no longer able to live in their own homes. The authority reviews applications from prospective adoptive parents to assess suitability. Ongoing support is provided for adopted children and their new families.

Adoption support services (1828) Service

A local authority, where requested to do so, will carry out an assessment for adoption support services and, where the assessment identifies a need, will provide such services or arrange for them to be provided. The authority will also appoint an adoption support services adviser to provide advice and information to anyone affected by an adoption or proposed adoption.

Fostering (159) Service

Fostering provides homes for children who are temporarily unable to live with their own families but who wish to maintain contact. Fostering may provide respite care or shared care for children with disabilities. Support is provided for the children, the foster carers and the family of the fostered children.

Staying put arrangement (1781) Service

When a fostered child reaches the age of 18 he/she can no longer be considered a 'child in care'. However, if he/she and their foster carer want to continue living together then the placement can become a 'Staying Put' arrangement. A child can start making plans towards this around their 16th birthday if he/she and the foster carer think this might be the best plan for him/her on becoming 18 years old.

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