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Time taken to process housing benefit change events - Annual (14475) Metric type

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This measures the average time taken in calendar days to process all change events relating to Housing Benefit for that financial year.

Change of events are defined as a change of circumstances which requires a decision to be made by the local authority but excluding automatic up-rating and revisions to earlier decisions, e.g. following an accuracy and/or management check or appeal/reconsideration/revision.

The processing time includes all calendar days (including the day the claim is received and the day the claim is decided).

The average number of days taken to process changes of circumstances to existing Housing Benefit (HB) claims is calculated by dividing the number of days of processing by the number of cases processed.
26 Feb 2021
Data last updated
27 Jul 2022
Short label
Time taken to process housing benefit change events - Annual
Output precision
a low value is good
Housing Benefit change events - Annual
Housing Benefit: statistics on speed of processing (SoP)
Department for Work and Pensions
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