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Number of people aged 16-19 on Universal Credit (13402) Metric type

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Number of people aged 16-19 claiming Universal Credit. This total includes both claimants who are not in employment and those eligible who are in employment.

Figures are a count of the number of people on Universal Credit on the second Thursday of each month (completed the Universal Credit claim process and accepted their Claimant Commitment) and have not had a closure of their claim recorded for this spell. A closure of their claim would be recorded either at the request of the individual or if their entitlement to Universal Credit ends, for example, if they no longer satisfy the financial conditions to receive Universal Credit as they have capital over the threshold. Please note that figures for the latest month are provisional and will be finalised in the next release (the expectation is that the overall provisional figure will be within two per cent of the final figure).

Figures provided for starts show the Jobcentre Plus office recorded at the start of the claim, whereas the figures for the number of people on Universal Credit are representative of the current Jobcentre Plus office that the claimant is attending. It is possible for people to have started on Universal Credit in one office and have moved to another office during their claim, and for this reason, the number of people on Universal Credit can be higher than the starts figure for any particular office, however it is more noticeable when numbers are low.

You may be eligible to get Universal Credit if you’re on a low income or out of work, 18 or over (there are some exceptions if you’re 16 to 17), you’re under State Pension age (or your partner is), you and your partner have £16,000 or less in savings between you, and you live in the UK.

Universal Credit has replaced Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) for most people. It is still possible to claim JSA if you are 18 or over and under State Pension age. As long as you are actively looking for a full-time job and are out of work, or are working less than 16 hours a week. These standalone JSA claims are separately reported.

Statistical disclosure control has been applied with Stat-Xplore, which guards against the identification of an individual claimant.
05 Mar 2024
Data last updated
18 Apr 2024
Short label
No. of people aged 16-19 on Universal Credit
Output precision
a low value is good
Universal Credit claims by Age
Stat-Xplore: People on Universal Credit
Department for Work and Pensions
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