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Carer-reported quality of life for carers (score out of 12) (10671) Metric type

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The measure gives an overall indication of the reported outcomes for carers it does not, at present, identify the specific contribution of councils adult social care services towards those outcomes. This is a composite measure which combines individual responses to six questions measuring different outcomes related to overall quality of life. These outcomes are mapped to six domains; occupation, control, personal care, safety, social participation and encouragement and support. The measure gives an overall score based on respondents self-reported quality of life across the six questions. All six questions are given equal weight.

It is calculated as the number of respondents who answered all six questions of the Adult Social Care Survey divided by the sum of their scores. and is presented as a score out of 12. Where scores are assigned as follows:

  • No unmet needs (1st answer option) = 2.

  • Some needs met (2nd answer option) = 1.

  • No needs met (the last answer option for each question) = 0.

    In 2014-15 a weighting methodology for national, regional and council-type results in the SACE was introduced. For the calculation of regional and national results, each local authority became a stratum and a unique set of weights was calculated for each question by dividing the count of the population of concern by the count of usable responses to that question (the inverse probability of responding to that question) in each local authority. This change improves the accuracy of the aggregate level results because variability in sampling and response rates between local authorities is accounted for.

    In 2016/17 the SACE eligible population changed so that in addition to carers being included that have had a carer's assessment or review from the local authority in the 12 months prior to the survey taking place, carers are also now included who have not been assessed or reviewed during the year.

    Only covers people receiving partly or wholly supported care from their Local Authority and not wholly private, self-funded care.

    Data source: Carers Survey.

26 Jun 2023
Data last updated
08 Dec 2023
Also known as
  • ASCOF 1D
Short label
Carer-reported quality of life for carers (score out of 12)
Output precision
a high value is good
Social care-related quality of life
Measures from the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework, England
NHS Digital
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