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Provision of additional affordable housing through acquisitions - Owned by Local Authority: Intermediate Rent (9165) Metric type

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This is the number of additional non-new build (acquisitions) affordable housing Intermediate Rent units owned by the Local Authority, regardless of funding source. It includes Rent to Buy products and London Living Rent units and London Living Rent units.

These are dwellings within the geographical authority area. This means that any dwellings provided in the area by other local authorities will be included, but those provided by the authority outside the area should not.

All affordable housing reported here should be in line with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). A "completion" is defined as taking place when the property is built or purchased and transferred to the housing provider. This will generally take place when a Practical Completion certificate is issued or when the completion of the sale takes place. Homes should be included in a given financial year where Practical Completion (or completion of the sale) and transfer to the housing provider has taken place by 31 March. If the property is only let, or available for letting, in the following year it is still recorded in the year that it was completed and transferred to the registered provider.

This indicator is from the Local Authority Housing Statistics data returns (LAHS) Section I - Affordable Housing Supply
22 Dec 2022
Data last updated
16 Feb 2024
Short label
Provision of additional affordable housing through acquisitions - Owned by LA: Intermediate Rent
Output precision
a high value is good
Dwellings in the area
Local Authority Housing Statistics (LAHS)
Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
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