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Total number of evictions obtained by local authority landlords (8749) Metric type

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This is the total number of evictions obtained by local authority landlords.

Data on the number of evictions that a local authority has made during the reporting year under Section 82 of the Housing Act 1985 and Section 127 of the Housing Act 1996. An eviction is defined here as a tenancy brought to an end by the execution of a warrant of possession by court bailiffs. Eviction does not include abandonment, even where a property is abandoned in the period between a warrant of possession and the execution of that warrant.

Includes all evictions made during the reporting year, regardless of the year in which the possession order or warrant of possession itself was obtained, the type of tenancy to which it relates, or whether the original possession order was an outright, postponed or suspended possession order.

Excludes evictions that have not been effected during the reporting year, regardless of the date of the possession order or warrant of possession. Excludes evictions from temporary accommodation.

This indicator is from the Local Authority Housing Statistics data returns (LAHS) Section G - Stock Managementent
02 Feb 2022
Data last updated
16 Feb 2024
Short label
Total number of evictions obtained by LA landlords
Output precision
not applicable
Dwellings in the area
Local Authority Housing Statistics (LAHS)
Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
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