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Lettings and nominations to UK armed forces: Number of households given additional preference that have been let a dwelling (8629) Metric type

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This is the number of households with a member of the UK armed forces community given additional preference that have been let a dwelling by the local authority or in response to a nomination from the authority.

Includes lettings by the authority in properties owned by the local authority outside the authority’s boundaries. Includes letting by other authorities in response to a nomination from the authority. Excludes renewals of flexible tenancies.

This indicator is from the Local Authority Housing Statistics data returns (LAHS) Section D - Lettings and Nominations
22 Dec 2022
Data last updated
15 Feb 2024
Short label
Lettings and nominations to UK armed forces: No. of households given additional preference that have been let a dwelling
Output precision
a high value is good
Total households on the housing waiting list at 1st April
Local Authority Housing Statistics (LAHS)
Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
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