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Total households on the housing waiting list in a reasonable preference category (8600) Metric type

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This is the total number of households on the housing waiting list in a reasonable preference category. This is subset of the overall total of household on the housing waiting list at 31st March.

Households that fall within one or more of the statutory reasonable preference categories as set out in section 166A of the Housing Act 1996 (inserted by section 147 of the Localism Act 2011). Local authority allocations schemes must be framed to give reasonable preference to applicants who fall within the categories set out in s.166A(3), over those who do not.

This total will not necessarily add up to the sum of the all the categorities, as a household may be in more than one preference group. The reasonable preference categories are set centrally, but the interpretation and application of reasonable preference will be subject to local definitions. For example, local authorities may use different criteria to define overcrowding.

Where authorities have provided a total figure for waitiing list questions, but not provided a complete breakdown in the sub-categories, then the figures for the sub-categories have been imputed using the proportions seen in that local authority in the previous year of data, if available. These imputed figures are to be regarded as an estimate and may cause inconsistencies between the two variables.

Households which are seeking a transfer within a local authority’s own stock should be excluded.

This indicator is from the Local Authority Housing Statistics data returns (LAHS) Section C - Allocations
22 Dec 2022
Data last updated
15 Feb 2024
Short label
Total households on the housing waiting list in a reasonable preference category
Output precision
a low value is good
Total households on the housing waiting list at 1st April
Local Authority Housing Statistics (LAHS)
Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
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