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Did you know we have a dedicated powers and duties tool?

Available to LG Inform Plus subscribers, it provides information on what current legislation gives English and Welsh councils the power to do and what it requires them to do in law. Advanced searching and filtering options make it easy to find specific powers and duties based on legislation, business function and keyword, and results are easily exported in commonly used formats.

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Total expenditure on sport, play, and parks (6604) Metric type

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From the Revenue Outturn - RO5 - Cultural, environmental, regulatory and planning services. This is the total expenditure on sport, play and parks. It is the total of community centres and public halls, foreshore, sports development and community recreation, sports and recreation facilities including golf courses and open spaces. The total has been calculated by using the lines detailed above in the Revenue Outturn (RO5) form, column 3, total expenditure.
27 Feb 2024
Data last updated
15 Dec 2023
Short label
Total expenditure on sport, play, and parks
Output precision
not applicable
GBP (000)
Revenue outturn cultural, environmental, regulatory and planning services (RO5)
Revenue outturn cultural, environmental, regulatory and planning services (RO5)
Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
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