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Median hourly gender pay gap (%) for part-time employees (resident based) (20733) Metric type

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This is the median hourly pay rate gap excluding overtime as a percentage for part-time workers on a resident basis for the area, who are on adults rates of pay, and whose pay was not affected by absence. The gender pay gap calculation uses the GB pounds per hour figure with overtime excluded, as it can distort the picture, as men generally undertake more overtime than women. Part-time workers are defined as those who work no more than 30 paid hours per week or those in teaching professions working up to 25 paid hours per week.

This metric shows the difference between the median hourly rates for male staff and female staff. A positive figure indicates that females are paid less than males on average; a negative figure indicates that females are paid more than males on average.

Figures for earnings come from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) which is based on a 1 per cent sample of employees, information on whose earnings and hours is obtained from employers. The survey does not cover people who are self-employed, nor does it cover employees not paid during the reference period. Information relates to a pay period in April.

The earnings information collected relates to gross pay before tax, national insurance or other deductions, and excludes payments in kind (i.e. payment made in the form of goods and services rather than cash). It is restricted to earnings relating to the survey pay period and so excludes payments of arrears from another period made during the survey period; any payments due as a result of a pay settlement but not yet paid at the time of the survey will also be excluded.

Estimates for 2011 and subsequent years use a weighting scheme based on occupations which have been coded according to Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) 2010 that replaced SOC 2000. Therefore care should be taken when making comparisons with earlier years.

Where the estimate is assessed with a coefficient of variation (CV) of over 20 per cent, these figures have been suppressed, as they are considered by the ONS as unreliable.
08 Aug 2023
Data last updated
18 Dec 2023
Short label
Median hourly gender pay gap (%) for PT employees (resident)
Output precision
not applicable
Gender pay gap
Median gross pay of employees by residence (resident base)
annual survey of hours and earnings
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