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Percentage of Local Authority non-decent housing stock as a proportion of total dwellings (17017) Metric type

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This is the proportion of non-decent local authority dwellings as of 31 March at the end of the reporting year. This covers the number of non-decent dwellings within the local authority area, divided by the total number of dwellings in the area, not just its own stock, including vacants multipied by 100.

Dwellings in the area, as defined in the Census, as a self-contained unit of accommodation. Self-containment is where all the rooms (including kitchen, bathroom and toilet) in a household(s) accommodation are behind a door which only that household(s) can use.

It will include all the dwellings that become non-decent during year in addition to existing non-decent, minus the number of non-decent dwellings made decent and the reduction in non-decent dwellings due to tenant refusals, demolitions, partial transfers or other sales including Right to Buy.

This percentage is provided for context. For the BV 184a measure of the proportion of LA homes which were non-decent use metric 139.
12 Apr 2023
Data last updated
16 Feb 2024
Short label
% of LA non-decent housing as a proportion of total dwellings
Output precision
a low value is good
Dwellings in the area
Local Authority Housing Statistics (LAHS)
Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
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