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Did you know we have a dedicated powers and duties tool?

Available to LG Inform Plus subscribers, it provides information on what current legislation gives English and Welsh councils the power to do and what it requires them to do in law. Advanced searching and filtering options make it easy to find specific powers and duties based on legislation, business function and keyword, and results are easily exported in commonly used formats.

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Total number of completed reviews (15464) Metric type

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This is the total number of alcohol and late night licensing related reviews completed. 

An LA can be asked to review a licence on the grounds that the operation of the licence is having an adverse impact on the licensing objectives. Completed reviews are considered those where the local authority notified parties of its decision in the time period specified.. Figures include completed reviews of premises licences, following an application for the review under s.51 of the 2003 Act or following an application for an expedited/summary review under s.53A (which was instigated by the police) and reviews following closure under s.80 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (which would also be instigated by the police).

This excludes applications for a review that was withdrawn or did not go to a hearing

26 Aug 2021
Data last updated
01 Nov 2022
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No. completed reviews
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not applicable
Number of reviews
Alcohol and late night refreshment licensing England and Wales statistics
Home Office
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