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Gross value added per filled job (unsmoothed) (15341) Metric type

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This is the unsmoothed annual gross value added (GVA) per filled job calculated using a balanced approach. Figures are presented in £s and are nominal (i.e. they are not adjusted for inflation). These unsmoothed values are discrete estimates of GVA added per filled job each year.

Balanced GVA estimates are produced by combining the existing income and production GVA estimates using weighted quality metrics. Income GVA estimates are calculated by adding up the income generated by individuals or corporations in the production of goods and services whilst the Production Approach estimates GVA by calculating the total output of goods and services less the value of goods and services used up in the production process. A Balanced approach evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of these two opposing approaches and gives them an appropriate weighting in informing a single ‘balanced’ estimate of GVA.

GVA estimates are on a workplace basis, that being they are allocated to where the economic activity took place.

To calculate GVA per filled job, the total amount of GVA generated in an area is divided by the total number of filled jobs.
10 Jan 2022
Data last updated
05 Aug 2022
Short label
GVA per filled job (unsmoothed)
Output precision
a high value is good
GVA per filled job
Gross Value Added Per Filled Job
Gross Value Added (Balanced Approach)
Office for National Statistics
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