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Number of additional units of intermediate rent provided by local authority area (13820) Metric type

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The data is taken from live tables on housebuilding, starts and completions by district. This metric is the number of completed additional units to the housing stock.

This has been calculated by Communities and Local Government (CLG) 1. Intermediate affordable rent Includes London Living Rent from 2017-18. 2. Includes new build and acquisitions. 3. Recycled Capital Grant Fund figures and Disposal Proceeds Fund figures cannot be broken down below national level for 2005-06 and 2006-07, so the sum of the local authority figures may not equal the England figure. 4. Includes homes where the cost is met by a private developer (e.g. Section 106 agreements). 5. Some local authority boundaries and names have changed with local government reorganisation. 6. New dwellings are shown next to the local authority in which they are located which occasionally differs from the sponsoring authority. 7. Figures shown represent our best estimate and may be subject to revisions. The figures have been rounded to the nearest 10 and therefore totals may not sum due to rounding.
29 Nov 2021
Data last updated
30 Nov 2023
Short label
Additional units of intermediate rent provided by local authority area
Output precision
a high value is good
Additional units provided by local authority area
Live tables on affordable housing supply
Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities
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