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Travel time in minutes to 8 key services by cycle (10250) Metric type

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This is the average travel time in minutes to 8 key services by cycle. The 8 key services are the average of minimum journey times to medium sized centres of employment (500-4999 jobs), primary schools, secondary schools, further education, GPs, hospitals, food stores and town centres.

It is part of the Journey Time Statistics produced by DfT which consists of theoretical journey times calculated by modelling journeys between known sets of origins and destinations, using information on the road network, traffic speeds and public transport timetables.

Statistics are designed to represent as far as possible the situation in October of the year to which they related. The origins, destinations and public transport timetables used are as far as possible for this date. The traffic data are averages for the preceding 12 months up to and including August. The road networks are those for the previous spring.

The origins used for all Access to Services calculations are the English Output Areas (OA). To provide the actual journey start point in each OA, the population weighted centroid of the OA was shifted to the nearest node (i.e junction) on the road network.

These statistics are very similar to those of the Accessibility Statistics, however, the methodology employed is different so the results are not directly comparable.
15 Nov 2021
Data last updated
15 Nov 2021
Also known as
  • TownCyct
Short label
Average time to 8 key services by cycle
Output precision
a low value is good
Average minimum travel time to reach the nearest key services by mode of travel, local authority
Journey time statistics
Department for Transport
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