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Did you know we have a dedicated powers and duties tool?

Available to LG Inform Plus subscribers, it provides information on what current legislation gives English and Welsh councils the power to do and what it requires them to do in law. Advanced searching and filtering options make it easy to find specific powers and duties based on legislation, business function and keyword, and results are easily exported in commonly used formats.

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Referal from prosecution scheme Website navigation

Diversion from prosecution (1099) Service

Diversion from prosecution is the referral of an accused to social work or other agencies where it is believed that formal criminal justice proceedings are not necessary (i.e. where there is no overriding public interest for a prosecution). The accused is then dealt with through 'diversion schemes' which aim to address underlying causes of offending. Diversion is designed to prevent individuals being prematurely "up-tariffed" into a custodial sentence and to stop the cycle of offending/punishment before it starts. Particular groups are targeted by this scheme: Accused with mental health difficulties or learning disabilities Drug and alcohol misusing accused Female accused Young (16 and 17 year old)

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