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Did you know we have a dedicated powers and duties tool?

Available to LG Inform Plus subscribers, it provides information on what current legislation gives English and Welsh councils the power to do and what it requires them to do in law. Advanced searching and filtering options make it easy to find specific powers and duties based on legislation, business function and keyword, and results are easily exported in commonly used formats.

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Children's panel recruitment Website navigation

Children's panel recruitment (1040) Service

The Children's Panel makes vital decisions about vulnerable children in need of care or who have offended, at a Children's Hearing. Each hearing is a lay tribunal involving three members of the panel and must consist of at least one man and one woman. It should also where possible reflect a mix of ages and experience. The hearing is usually held in a relatively informal setting and is chaired by one of the panel members. The local authority provides information about how to become a children's panel member. In Scotland the children's hearings system relies on the involvement of around 2,500 volunteers who give their time and commitment to training and serving as children's panel members.

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