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Please select an area type in order to view it.

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Create an area type

Area types are used to categorise areas. For example "Country" could be an area type, and England, Scotland and Wales would be areas of this type. Similarly "City" could be a type and Manchester, Southampton, London and Liverpool would be areas of this type.

Using common area types means that anyone can add areas. This allows us to do more valuable comparisons across areas and you to create more powerful reports.

Here are some common area types that you may want to use when creating your own neighbourhood areas:

  • Council group - lets you group councils for disparate purposes such as aggregating metrics across councils or viewing together all wards in several councils
  • Shared services council - for areas comprising two or more councils that share the delivery of services
  • Local Area Partnership - for areas that normally fit within a single council. Used where services are delivered within specific boundaries. You can also use this for general definitions of areas within a council boundary
  • Neighbourhood plan area - for neighbourhoods proposed or designated in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012

Existing area types

Do we already have the area type you wish to use? If so please use the existing type.

Can't find your area type in the list?

You can create your own. Please note that this is an advanced feature and a little understanding of areas hierarchy is useful. We have comprehensive help documentation that we recommend you read before you start. If you're unsure how to continue please email our dedicated support team at who will be happy to guide you through the process.
Create a new area type
Please select an area in order to view it.

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Please select an area in order to view its contained areas.
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