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Average time between a local authority receiving court authority to place a child and the local authority deciding on a match to an adoptive family (days) (912) Metric type

The Department for Education published new adoption scorecards which formed part of a new approach to address delays in the adoption system, as set out in An Action Plan for Adoption: Tackling Delay (published in March). As part of this, the Department set performance thresholds for the first and second indicators in the scorecard which make clear the minimum expectations for timeliness in the adoption system. Performance thresholds have been set from this year (213 days) and will raise incrementally over the next four years until they reflect the levels set out in statutory guidance.
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This indicator (A2) is for all the children that have been adopted during the three-year period ending 31 March, the average length of time in days between a local authority receiving court authority to place a child (i.e. a placement order being granted) and the local authority deciding on a match to an adoptive family.

A mean average is calculated of the time (in days) between a local authority receiving court authority to place a child, i.e. granting a placement order or a freeing order. Children who were not placed for adoption prior to the adoption order are excluded. Children with no placement order or freeing order are also excluded.

A time of zero is assigned to children who were matched before court authority was received.

These scorecards are based on the data submitted and signed-off by local authorities at the time of the data collection. Figures are rounded to the nearest day.
08 Sep 2023
Data last updated
12 Aug 2021
Short label
Average time between a LA receiving court authority to place a child and deciding on a match to an adoptive family (days)
Output precision
a low value is good
Time between a local authority receiving court authority to place a child and the local authority deciding on a match to an adoptive family
Adoption scorecard
Department for Education
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