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CO2 emissions estimates - Domestic Gas (LA influence) (8240) Metric type

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This is the estimate in kilotonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (kt CO2e) emissions for domestic gas within the scope of influence of Local Authorities.

The full dataset includes all emissions that occur within the boundaries of each local authority; the subset however excludes emissions that authorities do not have any direct influence over, these include: Motorways; EU Emissions Trading System sites; Diesel railways; Land use, Land Use Change, and Forestry (all emissions belonging to the LULUCF Net Emissions). Removing these emissions has a much bigger impact on some Local Authorities than others, as some Local Authorities have a much bigger proportion of emissions from the above sources than others. The gas consumption data published by DECC provides estimates of gas consumption by the domestic sector and the industrial and commercial sector for each LA in Great Britain; these are published on the gov.uk website. The gas consumption estimates for the domestic sector have been used to calculate CO2 emissions for the domestic gas sector using the implied emission factor. Gas consumption reported in the sub-national dataset does not match exactly with DUKES.
30 Jun 2023
Data last updated
30 Jun 2023
Short label
CO2 emissions - Domestic Gas (LA influence)
Output precision
a low value is good
Kilo tonnes
CO2 emissions estimates under LA influence
UK local authority and regional greenhouse gas emissions national statistics
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
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