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CO2 emissions estimates - Industry and Commercial Other fuels (LA influence) (8236) Metric type

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This is the estimate in kilotonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (kt CO2e) emissions for industry and commercial other fuels within the scope of influence of Local Authorities.

The full dataset includes all emissions that occur within the boundaries of each local authority; the subset however excludes emissions that authorities do not have any direct influence over, these include: Motorways; EU Emissions Trading System sites; Diesel railways; Land use, Land Use Change, and Forestry (all emissions belonging to the LULUCF Net Emissions). Removing these emissions has a much bigger impact on some Local Authorities than others, as some Local Authorities have a much bigger proportion of emissions from the above sources than others. The industrial sectors in the NAEI are mapped using a combination of point source estimates of emissions and area source employment based distributions. For some sectors the NAEI UK total emissions estimate is entirely accounted for by point source emissions. In this instance all of the emissions would be mapped as point sources. In other cases, there are sectors that have no identified point sources, in which case all emissions are mapped as an area source. Many sectors however, are comprised of a combination of point source and area source emissions. In this situation point source emissions are mapped explicitly and the remaining residual emission is treated as an area source and distributed across the UK using modelled high resolution (1 km2) emission distributions based on detailed employment and fuel use data. Small industrial combustion is an example of a sector for which the area source distribution is particularly important but there are also some identified point sources.
12 Jan 2023
Data last updated
10 Jan 2023
Short label
CO2 emissions - Industry/Commercial Other fuels (LA influence)
Output precision
a low value is good
Kilo tonnes
CO2 emissions estimates under LA influence
UK local authority and regional greenhouse gas emissions national statistics
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
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