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CO2 emissions estimates - Large industrial installations (LA influence) (8235) Metric type

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This is the estimate in kilotonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (kt CO2e) emissions for large industrial installations within the scope of influence of Local Authorities.

The full dataset includes all emissions that occur within the boundaries of each local authority; the subset however excludes emissions that authorities do not have any direct influence over, these include: Motorways; EU Emissions Trading System sites; Diesel railways; Land use, Land Use Change, and Forestry (all emissions belonging to the LULUCF Net Emissions). Removing these emissions has a much bigger impact on some Local Authorities than others, as some Local Authorities have a much bigger proportion of emissions from the above sources than others.Emissions from large industrial installations are mapped using the NAEI database of point sources. For this End User dataset an additional calculation is made in order to account for the CO2 emitted during the processing of fuels used in industrial installations. The site specific estimates of emissions have been compiled from a number of detailed data sources that report fuel consumption and/or emissions. Some additional data, supplied by trade associations or individual process operators, have been used to inform the development of the point source fuel use estimates and, in the case of steelworks, these data are used directly in the generation of point source data. Point source fuel and CO2 emissions estimates have been made for the following sectors: Power stations, refineries, coke ovens; Other plant regulated as combustion processes under Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) and, more recently, Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC); Integrated steelworks; Cement clinker manufacture; Lime manufacture.

The data presented in this report are not fully consistent with the UK GHGI (including the Devolved Administration GHGI) because of the use of emissions data reported by operators and also the EU ETS dataset, both of which are independent of the DECC National Statistics on fuel use which are used for the UK and Devolved Administration GHGI. However, analyses carried out as part of the GHGI programme of work indicate that the EU ETS and other operators data are broadly in line with DECC energy statistics, and it is estimated that the use of operators data leads to a difference in estimated carbon emissions of less than 1% of the UK national total. The advantage of using more detailed, installation-specific, data from operators is that this ensures the use of the best possible information on the fuels used at each industrial and commercial site, even if the total fuel use across the UK is marginally different from that reported in DUKES.
30 Jun 2023
Data last updated
30 Jun 2023
Short label
CO2 emissions - Large industrial installations (LA influence)
Output precision
a low value is good
Kilo tonnes
CO2 emissions estimates under LA influence
UK local authority and regional greenhouse gas emissions national statistics
Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
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