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Percentage of late diagnosis in people first diagnosed with HIV in the UK (8185) Metric type

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This is the percentage of people (aged 15 years or above) newly diagnosed with HIV with a CD4 count less than 350 cells per mm3 with known residence based information. The definition of a late HIV diagnosis is a CD4 count less than 350 cells/mm3 within 91 days of diagnosis. This reflects the 2008 BHIVA treatment guidelines, which recommend patients should begin anti-retroviral therapy when CD4 cells counts drop <350 cells/mm3. This proportion will depend on the amount of HIV testing undertaken in the area. HIV testing is integral to the treatment and management of HIV. Knowledge of HIV status increases survival rates, improves quality of life and reduces the risk of HIV transmission.

Figures are from the HIV and AIDS Reporting System (HARS).

Numbers between 1 and 4 within a population less than 10,000 are suppressed. Where this occurs for Isles of Scilly or City of London, then the values are combined with those for Cornwall or Hackney respectively.
20 Nov 2023
Data last updated
21 Nov 2023
Also known as
  • PHOF D07
Short label
HIV late diagnosis (%)
Output precision
a low value is good
Per cent
Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles (3 year)
Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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