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Percentage of dependent children in mixed employment households (5634) Metric type

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This is the percentage of dependent children in an area living in mixed employment households. A household is defined as: a single person, or a group of people living at the same address who have the address as their only or main residence and either share one main meal a day or share living accommodation (or both). Dependent children are children aged under 16 and those aged 16 to 18 who have never married and are in full-time education.

Estimates on the economic activity status of households are for only those households that includes at least one person aged 16 to 64. Household types are defined as 1) Working household: all individuals aged 16 and over are in employment. 2) Mixed household: at least one person aged 16 and over is in employment and at least one other is either unemployed or inactive. 3) Workless household: no individuals aged 16 and over are in employment.

The statistics are from the Annual Population Survey (APS), cover the period January to December and only include households where at least one person is aged 16 to 64 years old. Estimates for counts are rounded to the nearest hundred and are not shown if the data are disclosive, that is, if the unweighted sample size is less than 3, or if the estimate is less than 500.
31 Jul 2023
Data last updated
28 Sep 2023
Short label
Dependent children in mixed households (% of all dependent children)
Output precision
a low value is good
% of dependent children
Households by combined economic activity status
Annual Population Survey
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