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Proportion of children and young people with a statement or Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan placed in: other further education (4750) Metric type

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This is the total number of children and young people (aged 0-25) with a statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) or an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan placed in a 'other further education'. This is expressed as a percentage of total children and young people for whom the authority maintains a statement of SEN, or EHC plan.

Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans were introduced from September 2014 as part of a range of SEND reforms. A pupil has a statement of SEN or an EHC plan when a local authority issues one following a formal assessment. This document sets out the child's needs and the extra help they should receive.

Other FE includes other private or voluntary training providers such as a Local Authority or Private Limited Company.

National and regional totals and total SEN across Local Authorities have been rounded to the nearest 5. There may be discrepancies between totals and the sum of constituent parts. Where there were one or two children or young people in an area these have been supressed.
20 May 2021
Data last updated
18 May 2022
Short label
% of CYP with statement or EHC plan placed in: other further education
Output precision
not applicable
Per cent
Children and young people with statements of SEN or EHC Plan by placement
Statements of SEN and EHC plans England
Department for Education
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