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Percentage of sessions missed due to overall absence from schools for SEN pupils without a statement (School Action) (4720) Metric type Discontinued

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The measure is based on the percentage of half days missed through overall absence, which includes both authorised and unauthorised absence, for Special Educational Needs (SEN) pupils without a statement (School Action) in all state funded schools.

Authorised absence is absence with permission from a teacher or other authorised representative of the school. This includes instances of absences for which a satisfactory explanation has been provided (for example, illness). Unauthorised absence is absence without permission from a teacher or other authorised representative of the school. This includes all unexplained or unjustified absences. Arriving late for school, after the register has closed, is recorded as unauthorised absence.

Absence information is collected and disseminated at enrolment level rather than pupil level. This means that where a pupil has moved school throughout the year, they will be counted more than once as they have recorded attendance at more than one school. This allows for schools to be held accountable for pupil absences, as the absence is attached to enrolments at a particular school, not the individual pupil.

To account for high levels of study leave and other authorised absences for pupils aged 15 in the second half of the summer term, all possible sessions and absences relating to this period for 15 year olds (as at the start of the academic year) are removed prior to any analysis being undertaken and are not included.

School Action is when a class or subject teacher identifies that a pupil has Special Educational Needs and gives help that is extra to or different from that provided as part of the school's usual differentiated curriculum.

Schools include state-funded schools including schools maintained by the local authority (primary, middle and secondary), free schools, university technical colleges and studio schools, maintained special schools, non-maintained special schools, academies and special academies. Excludes general hospital schools, independent special schools and independent schools approved for SEN pupils.

Small numbers are suppressed according to the following rules: 1) Enrolment numbers at national and regional levels are rounded to the nearest 5. Local authority totals across school types are also rounded to the nearest 5 to prevent disclosure of any suppressed values. 2) Enrolment numbers of 1 or 2 are suppressed to protect pupil confidentiality as are any percentage calculated on these. 3) where any number is shown as 0, the original figure was also 0.
03 Apr 2020
Data last updated
03 Jul 2018
Short label
Overall absence rate - SEN pupils without a statement (School Action)
Output precision
a low value is good
Percentage of sessions missed
Absence Rates and Pupils Defined as Persistent Absentees by Special Educational Needs
Pupil Absence in Schools in England
Department for Education
is found in the following lists
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applies to
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