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% of pupils with SEN with a statement attaining level 4 or above at KS2 in writing (4500) Metric type Discontinued

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This is the precentage of pupils without special educational needs (SEN) with a statement attaining level 4 or above in writing at key stage 2. A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.

The local authority will decide whether or not to issue a Statement of Special Educational Need for for a child following a statutory assessment . A Statutory assessment is a very detailed assessment under the 1996 Education Act which reports about a child will be provided by a number of people. These will include parents, teachers, an educational psychologist, health, social care and others who work with or support the child. This assessment will identify your child's needs and any special help they may receive. Statutory assessment is only appropriate for a very small number of children.

The national curriculum standards have been designed so that most pupils will progress by approximately one level every two years and are a combination of tests and teacher assessments. Pupils are expected to achieve level 4 by the end of key stage 2 and to make at least two levels of progress between key stage 1 and key stage 2. A 'good' level 4 is one where the test mark is in the top two-thirds of the level 4 mark range, i.e. level 4B or above. All children in state funded primary schools, including most academies and free schools, are required to take part in key stage 2 national curriculum assessments before they more to secondary school.

Tests and teacher assessments provide complementary information about pupils' attainment. The tests are designed to show what pupils have achieved in selected parts of a subject at the end of each key stage. Teacher assessment is the teachers' judgement of each pupil's performance in the whole subject over the whole academic year.

The description 'state-funded primary schools' refers to those schools maintained by the local authority, including academies, free schools and city technology colleges (CTCs). Figures for hospital schools and pupil referral units are excluded.

Note 1: pupil performance (those achieving the expected level) can be affected by a number of factors which mean that small year on year changes shouldn't be considered to be significant, particularly at local authority level. Note 2: the writing aspect for 2011 and earlier years is based on the writing test and not writing teacher assessment and so is not directly comparable to earlier figures and are therefore not included in this time series.
03 Apr 2020
Data last updated
19 May 2016
Short label
Achievement of KS2 level 4+ in writing for pupils with SEN and statement (%)
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a high value is good
Per cent
Attainment at key stage 2 writing by SEN provision
Key stage 2 attainment
Department for Education
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