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Proportion of those that received short-term service during the year where sequel was either no ongoing support or support of a lower level (4283) Metric type

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This measure is the number of new clients where the sequel to Short Term Support to maximise independence was: Ongoing Low Level Support, Short Term Support (Other), No Services Provided - Universal Services/Signposted to Other Services or No Services Provided - No identified needs divided by number of new clients who had short-term support to maximise independence. Those with a sequel of either early cessation due to a life event, or those who have had needs identified but have either declined support or are self-funding should be subtracted from this total. In this context, short-term support is defined as short-term support which is designed to maximise independence, and therefore will exclude carer contingency and emergency support. This prevents the inclusion of short-term support services which are not reablement services.

Only covers people receiving partly or wholly supported care from their Local Authority and not wholly private, self-funded care.
15 May 2023
Data last updated
08 Dec 2023
Also known as
  • ASCOF 2D
Short label
% of clients receiving short term service where sequel was lower level support or none
Output precision
a high value is good
Per cent
Proportion receiving short term service where sequel was lower level support or none
Measures from the Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework, England
NHS Digital
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