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Total number of children who received a 2-2.5 year review in the quarter (4239) Metric type

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This is the number of children who received a 2-2.5 year review by the end of the quarter and is defined as all those who fulfil the following two criteria:

1) Are under the provider's responsibility at the end of the quarter (e.g. for Q1 2021/22 this would be on 30th June 2021). 2)Were aged 2.5 years within the quarter (e.g. for Q1 2021/22 this would be those who were aged 2.5 years between April 2021 and June 2021, i.e. those who were born in Q3 2018/19, so between 1st Oct 2018 and 31st Dec 2018 inclusive).

Include: All children under the provider's responsibility at the end of the quarter. This includes children who live in the area but are not registered to a GP, and those who are having their paediatric care privately even if they are not seen by a health visitor or GP. All children under the provider's responsibility at the end of the quarter. This includes children who live in the area but are not registered to a GP, and those who are having their paediatric care privately even if they are not seen by a health visitor or GP.

These figures exclude children who die before their 2-2.5 year review.
11 Dec 2023
Data last updated
24 Jan 2024
Short label
No. of children who received a 2-2.5 year review in the quarter
Output precision
a high value is good
Health Visitor Return
Health visitor service delivery
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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