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Total number of children due a 6-8 week review by the end of the quarter and who received a 6-8 week review by the time they turned 8 weeks (4222) Metric type

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This is the number of children due a 6-8 weeks review by the end of the quarter who received a 6-8 weeks review by the time they turned 8 weeks.

The number of children due a 6-8 weeks review by the end of the quarter is defined as all those who fulfil the following two criteria: 1) Are under the provider's responsibility at the end of the quarter (e.g. for Q1 2021/22 this would be on 30th June 2021). 2) Were aged from 6 to 8 weeks within the quarter. The table below shows the ranges of birth dates which should be included in each quarter: Q1 (April to June) included 4th February to 19th May, Q2 (July to September) includes 6th May 19th August, Q3 (October to December) includes 6th August to 19th November and Q4 (January to March) includes 6th November to 18th February.

Include: All children under the provider's responsibility at the end of the quarter. This includes children who live in the area but are not registered to a GP, and those who are having their paediatric care privately even if they are not seen by a health visitor or GP.

These figures exclude children who die before their 6-8 weeks review.
11 Dec 2023
Data last updated
24 Jan 2024
Short label
Received a 6-8 week review by the time they turned 8 weeks
Output precision
a high value is good
Health Visitor Return
Health visitor service delivery
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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