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Average number of working days lost due to sickness absence per FTE (full-time equivalent) employee (excluding schools) - quarterly (3524) Metric type

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This indicator measures the average number of working days lost due to sickness absence per FTE (full-time equivalent) employee (excluding schools).

It is calculated by taking the total number of days absence over the reporting period and dividing it by the average number of FTE over the same period.

Sickness absence is defined as the total number of working days lost due to sickness absence, including industrial injury, irrespective of whether this is self-certificated, certified by a GP or long-term. Average number of FTEs is calculated with reference to the beginning and end of the reporting period i.e. (FTE on the first day of the reporting period) + (FTE on the last day of the reporting period) divided by 2.

The sickness absence calculation should include all staff (including school based support staff), but exclude teachers and all staff in fire services. For part-time staff the authority should calculate the FTE for both the numerator and denominator on a consistent basis.

When comparing sickness absence data across authorities uses should bear in that sickness absence varies between part-time and full-time employees and across service areas so comparison should wherever possible be made with similar authorities.
03 Apr 2020
Data last updated
31 Mar 2020
Short label
Overall sickness absence (FTE)(excluding schools)- quarterly
Output precision
a low value is good
Days per FTE
Sickness absence - quarterly
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