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Number of landlord possession claims per 10,000 households (3498) Metric type

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This is the number of possession claims issued by landlords per 10,000 households, during the quarter for the area. It is the sum of accelerated landlord possession claims + possession claims issued by private landlords + possession claims issued by social landlords. An accelerated possession is quicker than a normal eviction and doesn’t usually need a court hearing. These are separately counted and the accelerated procedure can be used for either private or social landlord cases. Includes claims for the repossession of property for example, where the tenant fails to keep up with rental payments.

These statistics are a leading indicator of the number of properties to be repossessed and the only source of sub-national possession information. In addition to monitoring court workloads, they are used to assist in the development, monitoring and evaluation of policy both nationally and locally.

A mortgage or landlord possession action starts when a mortgage lender or landlord completes and submits a claim to the courts to repossess a property. The most common reason for repossession is arrears of mortgage or rent. The court process of possessing a property broadly follows four stages:

1. A claim for a mortgage or landlord possession being issued by a mortgage lender or a landlord;

2. An order being made by the County Court. This can either be an outright order that the property is to be recovered by a specific date, or a suspended order that is suspended as long as the defendant complies with conditions specified in the order;

3. If the defendant fails to leave the property by the date given in the order or does not meet the terms of a suspended order, the order may be enforced by a warrant of possession. This authorises the county court bailiff to evict the defendant from the property. The bailiff then arranges a date to execute the eviction; and

4. Repossession by a County Court bailiff. Repossessions may occur without county court bailiffs carrying out the repossession through less formal procedures so the actual number of repossessions is usually greater than the number of repossessions carried out by county court bailiffs.

The statistics in the latest quarter are provisional, and are therefore liable to revision to take account of any late amendments to the administrative databases from which these statistics are sourced. Further revisions may be made when the figures are reconciled at the end of the year.

The methodology used by the Ministry of Justice for calculating the mortgage and landlord rates of possession claims and repossessions was modified from Q4 2022 to use Census 2021 estimates that classify households. This metric uses the previous method based on ONS Household projections.
11 Jan 2024
Data last updated
08 Feb 2024
Short label
No. of landlord possession claims per 10,000 households
Output precision
a low value is good
Rate per 10,000 Households
Possession claims issued
Mortgage and Landlord Possession Statistics
Ministry of Justice
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