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Duration between start of section 47 enquiries and initial child protection conference: 11-15 days (3217) Metric type

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This metric provides an indication of how quickly the safety of children who are judged to be continuing to, or likely to, suffer significant harm is being considered by a multi agency meeting.

This is the actual number of initial child protection conferences (ICPC) carried out within 11-15 working days from the start of section 47 enquiry. Durations calculated for 2012/13 onwards are different to those published previously as they are based upon the actual section 47 start date and the date of the initial child protection conference. In previous publications the duration shown was the time taken between the day the timescale for completing the section 47 enquiries began (which was not necessarily the day the section 47 enquiries started) to the day of the initial child protection conference. This measure excludes cases where the recorded initial child protection conference date is before section 47 date, however these will be included in overall number of ICPCs. If a child was the subject of section 47 enquiries on more than one occasion during the year, each occasion is recorded separately. Taken from Characteristics of Children in need, table C4.
29 Oct 2021
Data last updated
11 Nov 2022
Also known as
  • ICPC within 11-15 working days of section 47 enquiry
Short label
ICPC within 11-15 days
Output precision
not applicable
Number of children who were subject to section 47 enquires and initial child protection conferences
Characteristics of Children in Need in England
Department for Education
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