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Hospital stays for alcohol related harm - Narrow definition (standardised admission ratio) (3188) Metric type Discontinued

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Hospital admissions for alcohol-related harm - Narrow definition, indirectly age standardised ratio, all ages, persons.


England age specific admission rates were calculated from all admission episodes with valid MSOA and age coding.

Unadjusted expected admissions within each MSOA are calculated by applying age-specific admission rates for England in the latest 5 years to each MSOA's population.

These have been adjusted to compensate for the effect of missing age codes within the National data; this methodology assumes that the age distribution within the missing data is

the same as that at the National level.

MSOA admissions contain all admissions for that area, irrespective of age coding (i.e.

they include non valid age coding).

Standardised Admission Ratio (SMR) = MSOA Observed / Adjusted MSOA Expected admissions * 100.

England Expected value is the sum of all the Adjusted MSOA Expected admissions.

Numerator = Sum of the observed alcohol attributable admissions completed during the time period stated above (episode status = 3, episorder = 1), all ordinary and day case

admissions, excluding regular day and night attenders (patient classification = 1,2 or 5).

Admissions to hospital where the primary diagnosis or any of the secondary diagnoses contain an alcohol-attributable condition (http://www.lape.org.uk/downloads/

Lape_guidance_and_methods.pdf, page 7).

Children under 16 were only included if they had an alcohol-specific diagnosis i.e.

where the alcohol-attributable fraction (AAF) equalled one, meaning that alcohol consumption was a contributory factor in all cases.

For other conditions, the AAF estimates were not available for children.

A patients area of residence is defined by the Middle Super Output Area Code (MSOA) as supplied with the HES dataset.

Patients with no known address or who are recorded as having 'No fixed abode' have not been included within this indicator, therefore the total admissions for England will vary slightly

to that published within the Local Alcohol Profiles (www.lape.org.uk).

Denominator = Expected admissions during the time period (Adjusted).
21 Mar 2022
Data last updated
15 Mar 2022
Short label
Hospital stays for alcohol related harm (SAR)
Output precision
a low value is good
Standardised admission ratio
Hospital stays
Local Health
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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