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Hospital stays for self harm (standardised admission ratio) (3187) Metric type

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Standardised emergency admission ratio for hospital stays for intentional Self Harm, all persons.


An SAR is a measure of how more or less likely a person living in that area is to have an emergency admission to hospital compared to the standard population, in this case England.

The SAR is a ratio of the actual number of emergency admissions in the area to the number expected if the area had the same age specific admission rates as England, multiplied by


An SAR of 100 indicates that the area has average emergency admission rate, higher than 100 indicates that the area has higher than average emergency admission rate, lower than

100 indicates lower than average emergency admission rate.

Numerator: HES episodes with the following coding: Episode status, HES field heading """"epistat"""" = 3.

Where 3 is a finished episode Episode Order, HES field heading """"epiorder"""" = 1.

Where 1 is the 1st episode Admission Method, HES field heading """"admimeth"""" = Emergency (20 to 28).

Where 20 to 28 are all emergency admission codes.
23 Feb 2022
Data last updated
13 Nov 2023
Short label
Hospital stays for self harm (SAR)
Output precision
a low value is good
Standardised admission ratio
Hospital stays
Local Health
Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)
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