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Percentage of people answering ""nothing needs improving"" when asked the extent to which they agree or disagree that people in their local area pull together to improve the local area (% inc 'don't know' answers)-face to face survey (2786) Metric type Discontinued

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To view a user friendly display of this and other resident satisfaction data please visit: "Are You Being Served? Resident Satisfaction Benchmarking Main Report", which can be accessed here: http://lginform.local.gov.uk/reports/view/kate-cooper/2162?version=latest

The source of this data is council's own local resident satisfaction surveys. All councils that have uploaded data have followed the 'Are you being served?' guidance on benchmarking resident satisfaction data. The full guidance can be found here: http://www.local.gov.uk/web/10171/home/-/journal_content/56/10171/3484891/ARTICLE-TEMPLATE

The full question text is:

To what extent would you agree or disagree that people in this local area pull together to improve the local area?

Definitely agree

Tend to agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Tend to disagree

Definitely disagree

Nothing needs improving

Don't know

'Local area' was defined at the start of the survey as 'the area within 15-20 minutes walking distance from your home'.

This metric shows the percentage of residents who answered 'nothing needs improving' (as a percentage of all respondents including those who answered 'don't know'), for surveys carried out as a face to face survey.

Use of this data

This data is only available to local authority users of LG Inform. Public access to the data will be granted one year after the end of the financial year for which data relates:

- public access to 2012/13 results will be granted on 31 March 2014

- public access to 2013/14 results will be granted on 31 March 2015

Prior to public access being granted, please do not disclose named local authority level results more widely when you are reporting, unless with clear written consent from the data owner, or unless it has already been made publicly available by the authority in question, for example on their own website. You can of course use anonymised results.
14 Jun 2022
Data last updated
02 Apr 2022
Short label
% answering ""nothing needs improving"" (face to face) (incl. dk)
Output precision
a high value is good
Per cent
Resident satisfaction survey
'Are You Being Served' resident satisfaction benchmarking
Local Government Association
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