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% of pupils achieving good level of development at foundation stage - Pupils with a statement of SEN (2222) Metric type Discontinued

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DISCONTINUED DATA - Final available dataset: sch_2011_12 This is the percentage of all eligible pupils with a statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) achieving a good level of development in Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) teacher assessments. The EYFSP is an assessment of a child's achievement at the end of the academic year in which they become five years old. A pupil achieving 6 or more points across the 7 Scales of PSE and CLL and who also achieves 78 or more points across all 13 scales is classed as having ""a good level of development"". This includes only pupils with a valid result for every achievement scale.
03 Apr 2020
Data last updated
07 Aug 2013
Also known as
  • % of pupils achieving a good level of development at foundation stage - Pupils with a statement of SEN
Short label
Foundation stage 'good' - statement of SEN
Output precision
a high value is good
Per cent
Pupils achieving good level of development at foundation stage - Pupils with a statement of SEN
Early years foundation stage profile results
Department for Education
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